Hyderabad: With less than a month before Ganesh Chaturthi, the city police commissioner Kothakota Sreenivasa Reddy on Saturday, August 24, held a coordination meeting over various issues concerning the event.
Representatives of the Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav Samithi and the Khairatabad Ganesh Utsav Samithi who participated in the meeting highlighted concerns including potholes, the need for adequate illumination at specific locations, the availability of vehicles for mandapam organisers, and arrangements for food and water during the immersion night among others.
The authorities assured to allocate the necessary resources, both in terms of material and personnel, adequate number of cranes, road repair works, installation of lights, measures to prevent electrocution, providing tuskers and other heavy vehicles and tree-pruning.
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Assuring elaborate arrangements for the religious event, commissioner of police Reddy urged the stakeholders to comply with the court orders and appealed to the utsav samithis to duly fill the intimation forms presented in the meeting.
Reddy guaranteed no trouble or inconvenience would be caused to the devotees during the festivities and sought cooperation from various departments for effective execution of plans and successful conduct of the festival.