Allegations of irregularities emerge in Hyderabad’s 2BHK distribution

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Reports of rampant corruption have surfaced in the distribution of double-bedroom flats across various parts of the city. Many individuals, who were notified about the allocation of flats and asked to attend distribution meetings, later discovered that their names were mysteriously omitted from the list.

Incidents of verbal altercations between officials and attendees have been observed at multiple locations in the city, where the state government had organized distribution programs for double-bedroom flats recently.

According to applicants who were summoned to the double-bedroom flat locations, having received phone calls from the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and district administration offices, left the meetings dejected upon learning that their names were excluded from the list.

A group of frustrated women, who were invited by government officials to attend the distribution ceremonies, shared their disappointment. When the programs concluded, they were suddenly informed that their names were not on the list. They even have call recordings.

According to participant Abdul Aleem, individuals were invited to these events merely through phone calls to create the illusion of a large turnout. They were even encouraged to bring their family members to participate.

According to opposition leader claims, political workers have been allotted these flats, with influential party leaders playing a significant role in securing flats for their supporters and relatives. Allegedly, some political workers have paid substantial commissions to obtain these flats, suggesting that none were acquired free of charge.

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