Citizens oppose privatisation of Kamala Nehru Polytechnic College

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Twitterverse has erupted with a call to save Kamala Nehru Polytechnic College for Women from alleged privatization with the hashtag  #SaveKNPW.

Kamala Nehru Polytechnic College for Women, a 60-year-old college located in Nampally is supposedly shutting down owing to “lack of funds”. The student activists, teachers and staff from the college have expressed their anguish in the past and claimed that the State government wasn’t giving their college funds on purpose in the hopes of privatizing it to make more money.

The Exhibition Society of Telangana, the governing body of the college has been accused in the recent past for usurping the land of the college in an attempt to aid the government in the conversion.

While the Secretary of the College, Dhiraj Jaiswal says otherwise, this has done nothing to allay the growing concerns of the protestors. “We have no intention of privatizing the college,” he said “The only thing which is likely to change is the status of some of the subjects and the hiring of a newer faculty.”

Jaiswal also added that this protest was nothing more than the personal agenda of some members of the faculty who wish to hold on to their jobs as they are unwilling for transfers.

The twitterverse however has exploded with feminist activists, students from the college and others’ upset about the shutting down of the same and demanding that the State government adopt the college and fund it completely. 

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