COVID-19 cases to see sharp decline by June 10, say researches at IIT

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: The one week average of the fresh COVID-19 cases in Telangana, that are wavering between 2,000 and 2,400, is expected to furth drop and reach somewhere near to an average of 1,500 infections by June 10, mathematical projections from SUTRA, developed by researchers from IIT Kanpur and IIT Hyderabad indicated.

SUTRA’s projections state that the daily cases will drop by 587 cases a day by the end of June. The daily figures, as released by the government, are updated on and a mathematical model is used to make this prediction.

SUTRA has been able to give projections with precision using the  mathematical projection model. As on June 6, the mathematical model had projected that Telangana will have 1834 detected new COVID-19 infections, while the actual seven day average was 2,191.

The SUTRA model, developed by Manindra Agrawal of IIT Kanpur, M Vidyasagar of IIT Hyderabad and M Kanitkar from integrated defence staff, has also projected gradual reduction of new infections across the country in the month of June.

Based on the present trends, the researchers have said that there is a window of opportunity for many Indian states to ease the lockdown in the coming days. They pointed out that as long as people continue with appropriate COVID-19 behavior, lockdowns can be eased in several states or even lifted, said  Vidyasagar, the researcher at IIT Hyderabad.

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