Hyderabad: The Cyberabad police recovered 2,696 stolen mobile phones in the last six months, of which 570 worth Rs 1.5 crore were retrieved in the past 25 days. The phones were handed over to the respective owners on Friday, August 30.
According to a press release from Cyberabad police, out of 2,696 stolen mobile phones, 101 were recovered by the Madhapur Central Crime Station Team (CCS), 87 by Rajendranagar CCS, 100 by Shamshabad CCS, 95 by Medchal CCS, 97 by Balanagar CCS, and 90 by the Information Technology Cell
Deputy Commissioner of Police (crime) Narasimha urged citizens of Hyderabad to report lost mobile phones either at their nearest police station or directly through the CEIR portal, www.ceir.gov.in, which is accessible online across all states and union territories.
He further emphasized, “Mobile phones play a vital role in our daily lives, containing important information. Despite many people being educated, few are aware of how to prevent stolen mobiles from being misused.”
Telangana ranks 2nd in country in recovering stolen mobile phones; Karnataka tops
Telangana ranks 2nd in recovering stolen mobile phones
The Telangana police recovered 21,293 mobile phones in 206 days between January and July this year, the second highest rate for mobile phone recovery in the country. As many as 780 police stations in the state have recovered 37,000 mobile phones using the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) portal, since its inception on April 19, 2023.
The Telangana police also achieved this feat with a rate of 102 mobile phones recovered per day, with the Hyderabad Police Commissionerate topping the recovery with 3808 devices successfully handed over to the complainants. This is followed by Rachakonda Commissionerate (2174 devices) and Cyberabad Commissionerate (2030 devices).