Hyderabad: The Cyberabad traffic police launched a real-time traffic updates service on Friday, January 31, to enable commuters in the Cyberabad limits to be informed about traffic congestion and other advisories to their mobile phones as notifications.
Dubbed “Cyberabad Traffic Pulse,” the service aims to efficiently manage increasing traffic congestion by providing alerts and updates to commuters. The initiative was launched in collaboration with the Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) and Tanla, a Hyderabad-based communications platform provider.
The platform provides real-time traffic updates, road diversions, accident alerts, traffic restrictions, and notifications about major city events directly to citizens’ mobile phones via WhatsApp, Google RCS, SMS, or Flash Messages.
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The service would provide commuters with accurate details about the causes of congestion and estimated clearance times, helping commuters make informed decisions.
The platform would also allow citizens to communicate directly with Cyberabad traffic police via WhatsApp, enabling them to share suggestions and feedback regarding the traffic on their routes.
The Cyberabad Traffic Pulse platform also offers personalised alerts based on frequently used routes selected by the user and preferred modes of transport.
How to register for real-time traffic alerts
To register for real-time traffic alerts in the Cyberabad region, citizens can go to the official website of the Cyberabad traffic police and then click the subscribe button. It will lead to a page, and citizens can fill out an online form.
One can add their name, and mobile number, and provide a frequently used mode of transport. Commuters can choose the frequently used routes to get alerts on those routes, from a list provided. The alert preferences can be updated anytime by the users by logging in to the same website.