Hyderabad: Hyderabad civic officials and the city traffic police, on Friday, January 17, removed illegal structures that encroached on the footpath around the Sundarayya Park, in Bagh Lingampally.
The officials removed numerous structures including tea stalls, pan shops, tiffin stalls, etc., as part of a special drive to remove encroachments.
The officials brought a bulldozer to remove the structures. Meanwhile, some residents state that officials could have let some structures be moved elsewhere, instead of destroying them.
Similar to the actions taken at Sundarayya Park, earlier in November 2024, the Hyderabad traffic police removed encroachments and vendors near Apollo Hospital in Jubilee Hills, Mehdipatnam bus stand, and Mettuguda junction, among other strategic locations of traffic flow.
Traffic police remove encroachments near Apollo hospital in Hyderabad
The traffic police were recently instructed by the Hyderabad city police commissioner CV Anand to take up ‘Operation ROPE’ (removal of obstructive parking and encroachment) at places where illegal encroachments and other obstructions may lead to choked bottlenecks, slowing traffic in areas of the city.