‘Food poisoned’ woman files police complaint against Hyderabad restaurant

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: A 35-year-old woman, K. Sravanthi, filed a complaint against a well-known restaurant in Lakdi-ka-pool on Thursday, May 23. She alleged that she experienced vomiting and diarrhea after being served a spoiled dessert.

According to the complainant, Sravanthi, she and her husband dined at Dwarka Hotel earlier that day at around 3:40 pm. Their meal included carrot halwa and moong dal halwa, traditional Indian desserts. Upon tasting the dessert, she immediately noticed that it was spoiled. Despite voicing her concerns to the hotel manager, she claimed that the response was dismissive.

The couple left the hotel but took the halwas with them. Later, when she tried to eat the carrot halwa at home, it emitted a strong, unpleasant smell, confirming her suspicion that the food was spoiled.

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Sravanthi alleges that her condition worsened, leading to vomiting and diarrhea, which she attributed to the spoiled dessert. She returned to the hotel to demand accountability and coverage for medical expenses. However, she described the hotel staff as negligent and dismissive, prompting her to file a police complaint.

Upon receiving the complaint, the Khairtabad police station registered a case under sections 273 (sale of noxious food or drink) and 337 (causing hurt by an act endangering the life or personal safety of others) of the Indian Penal Code.

Further investigation is ongoing.

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