GHMC launches cell to deal with issues of vandalism

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: The Directorate of Enforcement, Vigilance & Disaster Management has launched a Central Enforcement Cell (CEC) to impose penalties on various offenses like unauthorized erection of banners/flexi’s/cutouts/wall posters/ wall writings/ littering/garbage dumping on roads and nalas in the city.

The Directorate of EV&DM, GHMC hopes that the launch of the cell will aid in keeping the city clean and free from defacements to provide a safe, healthy & pleasant environment to citizens of Hyderabad. As part of this, a transparent & accountable mechanism has been constituted for imposing penalties against violators to create deterrence & awareness among citizens.

In a press note, the GHMC refuted media reports claiming that penalties are being imposed on To-let boards erected at private places by owners of premises. In this regard, the Directorate has clarified that the CEC is imposing penalties only to commercial business agents/brokers/House rental firms/Real estate firms and other such entities who are pasting wall posters on a large scale across the city to promote their business but not to the individual property owners.

These firms are defacing walls by pasting posters in a mass mode at various public places and hence are liable to be penalized. To-Let boards when erected by an individual property owner in his/her own premises are not going to be penalized, the GHMC stated. However, if any such instances are noticed, where the penalty is imposed against the To-let board erected on its own premises, it can be brought to the notice of the Directorate of EV&DM, GHMC so that the same will be rectified.

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