GMR Air Cargo ties up with StaTwig for real-time tracking of COVID-19 vaccine shipments

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: GMR Air Cargo, a division of GMR Air Cargo and Aerospace Engineering Limited (GACAEL) has partnered with Singapore based startup StaTwig to introduce a new tech-based solution to track and monitor COVID-19 vaccine shipments.

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) solidifying the association between both sides was signed in the city on Thursday, said a release from the GMR group which manages the Hyderabad international airport. This partnership is formed based on Hyderabad’s position as one of the biggest vaccine manufacturers in the world and is set to produce over 3.5 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine over the next few years in the battle against the pandemic.

Through this partnership, GMR Cargo, one of the chief exporting companies for pharmaceutical products in India, aims to leverage StaTwig’s advanced Blockchain technology to monitor vaccine shipments at the Hyderabad Air Cargo Terminal in real-time. The partnership aims to strengthen the supply chain of vaccines from India, said press release from the GMR group on Thursday..

Pradeep Panicker, chief executive officer (CEO) of GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd., said “With this strategic partnership with StaTwig, GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo will further consolidate its position as one of the best gateways in India for vaccine shipment handling. GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo is expanding its capabilities both in infrastructure and technology to cater to the demand in vaccine shipments and is becoming a key facilitator in the fight against COVID.”

The GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo is a WHO-GSDP (World Health Organisation- Good Storage and Distribution Practices) certified major gateway location in India. It handles temperature sensitive cargo and ensures seamless distribution across the world, added the release.

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