HHF, local mosques launch Rahnumai centers across Hyderabad

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: The Helping Hands Foundation (HHF), collaborating with 15 mosques, has launched Rahnumai Centers across the city to uplift the Muslim community and provide them with assistance for enrollment in various government schemes and programme, including free education in government schools.

The development comes following a survey by HHF, which revealed members of the Muslim community were poorly enrolled in various government schemes and services.

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According to the survey, the percentage of Muslim citizens who did not have voter IDs was 32%, while 35% had invalid ration cards, and citizens with no Aryogyasri Cards stood at 75%.

Moreover, 14% of students from classes 1–5 were dropouts, and 7% of children had not even been to school. Also, there was a very low percentage of scholarships for Muslim students.

Advisor to the government, minority welfare Md Shabir Ali, along with Ahle Hadees president Shafeeq Alam, senior journalist Abu Aimal, and senior Congress minority leaders attended the launch event at Masjid e Mohammadia, Langar Houz.

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