Hyderabad: Five police officers of Shadnagar police station were suspended on Monday, August 5 for allegedly torturing a Dalit woman, in police custody. The action follows the initial suspension of the detective inspector of Shadnagar police station.
“In continuation of the departmental action regarding the incident at Shadnagar police station, the detective inspector Ramireddy, Shadnagar PS, and five other staff members of the rank of constable have been placed under suspension. Further departmental action will follow,” Cyberabad commissioner of police, Avinash Mohanty.
Hyderabad: Dalit woman tortured by Shadnagar police, DI tranfserred
The incident reportedly took place on July 28, when Sunitha, a 35-year-old woman and her husband Bheemaiah were called up to the Shadnagar police station on the grounds of a theft case, where Sunitha was allegedly tortured by the on-duty police officers.
The torture had allegedly taken place in front of her 13-year-old son.
Sunitha had made her allegations public on Sunday, August 4, and detective inspector Ramireddy, Shadnagar PS was immediately suspended on the grounds of an official enquiry into the complaint.