Hyderabad: AIMIM protests against lack of water in Bahadurpura

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) leaders, led by Mohammadd Mubeen of Bahadurpura, held a protest at Mir Alam water filter demanding water supply in his constituency.

Accompanied by party corporators, Mohd Mubeen sat on the floor in the office of the DGM Mir Alam filter at Tadbun for an hour demanding water supply through tankers to ‘Do Pahad’ locality in Bahadurpura Assembly constituency.

Mubeen complained the HMWS&SB officials were intentionally not supplying the water to certain localities and diverting the water tankers to other places.

The AIMIM workers raised slogans against the HMWS&SB Managing Director and other officials.

The protest was called off after senior officials of HMWS&SB reached the spot and assured to resolve the issue at the earliest.

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