Hyderabad: Chopped body of man found in Langer Houz

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Panic prevailed here on Thursday night for some time near the Langer Houz Dargah when the body of a man was found chopped into pieces. The body parts were stuffed in two bags that locals discovered.

After locals found the body of the murdered man, cut into several pieces and dumped near the Langer Houz Dargah, they alerted the police. Some of those who discovered the body parts told the police that at least three persons had come to the place and dumped the bags before escaping.

On noticing blood and a foul smell emanating from the area, curious locals examined the place and were shocked by what they saw. Officials from the Langer Houz police reached the spot soon after the incident was reported. The police are examining the footage of closed-circuit cameras installed nearby to identify the persons.

Senior police officials also reached the spot and a dog squad was pressed into action along with the Clues teams from the Hyderabad police.

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