Hyderabad: A Dalit woman was allegedly subjected to third degree torture in presence of her minor son at Shadnagar police station under the Cyberabad commissionerate of Telangana during a probe into a theft case at a house. After the incident was reported in news channels, the higher ups from the Cyberabad police ordered an enquiry.
The woman, Sunitha, lives with husband Bheemiah, and a minor son aged 13 years at Ambedkar colony falling under Shadnagar police station. It so happened that on July 24, a man Nagender lodged a complaint with Shadnagar police alleging someone had stolen 24 tolas of gold ornaments and Rs. 2 lakh cash from his house. He allegedly told the police he suspected Sunitha and her family.
The Shadnagar police under the leadership of Detective Inspector Rami Reddy called Bheemaiah and Sunitha to the police station on July 24. In the police station, Bheemaiah was taken first to the interrogation room and reportedly thrashed by policemen brutally. He was let-off, and it was Sunitha’s turn to face the brutality.
“I was stripped by the policemen, mostly men. My hands and legs were tied with rope to a lathi. The policemen kept on hitting with a rubber belt. I pleaded with them to leave me but they asked me to confess to a crime I didn’t do,” Sunitha said in a video about the incident.
The victim claimed she was beaten up in the presence of her son in the police station. “I begged the policemen not to beat me. I told him if there is any need I will beg for ten rupees on the road. But they did not listen to me,” said the woman. The Cyberabad police then asked Sunitha to go home.
The Shadnagar police booked a case under different Sections of BNS in regard to the theft. The police said they have recovered one tola of gold and Rs. 4,000 cash from Sunitha.
The family following the torture by the police approached the higher ups, but no action was initiated. After the news broke some local Dalit leaders brought it to the attention of the media.