Hyderabad: Irrigation officials, Surveyor held by ACB over bribe

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Four officials from the Telangana Irrigation department were arrested by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) after they were caught red handed while accepting a bribe. The Superintendent Engineer, North Tanks Division, Gandipet and Surveyor of Gandipet from the Mandal Revenue Office (MRO) office are among the four officials who were caught.

The Irrigation department officials who were arrested by the ACB have been identified as K Bhansi Lal, executive engineer, K Karthik, Assistant Engineer, H Nikesh Kumar Assistant Engineer and P Ganesh, Surveyor, MRO office Gandipet, initially demanded a bribe of Rs 2.5 lakh from the complainant to forward a no objection certificate (NOC) file for construction of a building.

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According to the ACB, the officials had already reportedly sought and accepted a bribe of Rs 1.5 lakh as advance. The bribe amount of Rs 65,000 was recovered from Bhansi Lal and remaining Rs 35,000 from possession of Nikhesh Kumar.

The officials arrested the four accused Irrigation department officers and produced them before the Principal Special Judge for SPE and ACB Cases, Nampally Hyderabad.

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