Hyderabad: MANUU students union holds protest against CAA

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: The Maulana Azad Urdu National Urdu University (MANUU) students union has expressed its unequivocal opposition to implementing the Citezenship Amendment Act (CAA). Raising concern over the protection of constitutional values, the students union said that it firmly stands with the principles of justice, equality, and secularism.

In an official statement issued on Tuesday, March 12, the body claimed that the CAA, enacted in 2019, was a subject of intense debate and concern nationwide. Our opposition to the CAA under the Hindutva framework is rooted in our commitment to safeguarding the rights of every citizen, irrespective of their religious background. We believe that any legislation that discriminates based on religion goes against the principles of equality and social justice,” it said.

The body claimed that it opposed CAA because they wanted to question the arbitrariness of it.

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“It not only promotes the Hindutva idea of citizenship but also specifically excludes Muslims, creating second-class citizenship for them. Citizenship can never be based on religion; thus, we call CAA discriminatory, unjust, and unconstitutional,” the statement read.

“Hindutva, as an ideology, has been a source of contention for its potential to undermine the secular fabric of India. We firmly believe in preserving the secular ethos enshrined in our constitution, and we recognize the significance of maintaining a harmonious and inclusive society that celebrates diversity,” it further read.

The MANUU students’ union has now called upon the government to reconsider the implementation of the CAA and engage in a meaningful dialogue with the stakeholders to address concerns and promote inclusivity.

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