Hyderabad: Based on the advice of Telangana chief secretary Somesh Kumar, the Hyderabad Metro Rail (HMR) has extended the metro timings by one hour, starting June 1. Instead of the announced 11:45 a.m., the last trains now will all leave for their destination at 1 p.m. instead during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown period. The decision was taken based on feedback from passengers.
The decision to extend the train timings, announced by the HMR on Monday, was taken after Somesh Kumar inspected the metro train service arrangements and the COVID-19 protocol arrangements. On May 30, the Telangana government had announced the extension of the COVID-19 lockdown for another 10 days, and also increased the relaxation hours from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. After that, the public has another hour to return home.
On Monday, Somesh Kumar was accompanied by HMR managing director NVS Reddy and L&T Metro Rail Hyderabad Limited (MRHL) managing director KVB Reddy. Kumar traveled by a metro train from the Khairatabad station to the Ameerpet metro interchange station during his inspection.
The chief secretary interacted with passengers and enquired about the train services, safety measures etc, said a press note from the state government. Passengers appreciated the facilities and safety arrangements but also requested for extension of the metro train timings, so that they can reach home comfortably after the closure of offices/businesses, added the release.
It was sased on this feedback that Kumar advised both the managing directors to extend the services by
another hour or so. Accordingly, the last trains in each direction will now leave the terminal station at 1 p.m. instead of 11:45 a.m., and will reach the destination stations at 2 p.m. from Tuesday.
There is no change in the starting time of the metro train service, and the first train will start from the terminal stations at 7 a.m. The chief secretary also congratulated both the managing directors for the “good service and safety arrangements” being provided for the Hyderabad metro rail commuters during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.