Hyderabad: The city police in collaboration with the National Service Scheme (NSS) launched an initiative to inspect shopping malls and public spaces for hidden or spy cameras in an attempt to bolster safety and security for women.
The initiative was inaugurated by Hyderabad Police Commissioner K Srinivasa Reddy and Principal Secretary of Education Department, B Venkateshsham, on Thursday, August 15.
During the inspections, the Hyderabad police will assign female experts to examine female changing rooms, washrooms, and other sensitive areas in shopping malls. Random, periodic checks will be conducted in both large and small shopping areas to ensure ongoing safety, said the police in a press release.
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According to the press release, the initiative will continue until every mall and shop is thoroughly inspected and certified as free from spy cameras. This aims to significantly enhance women’s safety and security.
The programme gains significance after a spy camera was found in an outlet of Third Wave Coffee in Bengaluru five days ago. The incident has sparked concern and outrage amongst citizens.