Hyderabad: A controversy erupted after a private company engaged in supplying tents and furniture for private functions was found using the ‘Garden View’ building located in the Haj house premises.
The multi-story building located just behind the Haj house in Nampally, Hyderabad, was constructed at a cost of several crores and has been lying unused for several years. Time and again, officials have announced that it will be put to work. However, nothing has materialised so far in this regard.
The latest development in the issue that raked in controversy is the silence of the Telangana Waqf Board, the custodian of the building, towards a private tent-supplying company that is utilising the building as its warehouse.
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A group of reporters stopped an auto trolley loaded with different items used for decoration purposes that was making its way to the ‘Garden View’ building. The people questioned the auto trolley driver, who said that he was asked to unload the consignment in the building.
The company is entrusted with the task of making arrangements for the Haj pilgrimage camp, which is established temporarily at the Haj house every year. The articles needed for the camp are kept in the building and then removed.
Nevertheless, it did not happen this time around, and only more material is being kept there. A security guard is also posted there to maintain a watch and secure the material.
The Muslim socio-religious organisations demand an inquiry from the Telangana Waqf Board for the illegal occupation of the building and take urgent steps to put the building to proper use.