Hyderabad: Ruckus at Nagole after public objects to duo drinking on road

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Mild tension prevailed on the LB Nagar-Nagole main road on Friday after a man and a woman who were reportedly in an inebriated condition got into argument with people who objected to them drinking alcohol in public on the road.

In a video that has gone viral, a young man and woman can be seen arguing with senior citizens and morning walkers who were questioning their whereabouts. The man also seems to be holding an alcohol bottle in his hand. The duo got into a verbal duel with people, and asked them to mind their own business. It is not clear where exactly in Nagole the incident transpired.

In the middle of the argument, the young lady, whilst seemingly walking away, also tried to snatch the phone of one person. Enraged, the other people surround the lady and eventually force the two to sit in the car. One of the senior citizens, who was visibly angry, forcefully pushes the man back in the car and raises his hand, gesturing that he would hit him if the duo would not leave.

Eventually they leave, with one of the locals warning them not to return back to the area. While no case has been registered yet, the police is enquiring into the matter after the video from Nagole-LB nagar went viral on Friday.

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