Hyderabad: In the wake of communal unrest in Jainoor, state women and child welfare minister Danasari Anasuya alias Seethakka was confronted by Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) mahila morcha workers at Gandhi Hospital here on Thursday, September 5. The minister had visited the hospital to meet the tribal woman who had been sexually assaulted by an auto driver.
The BJP workers accused the state government of attempting to cover up the incident by offering money to the tribal woman money.
Rubbishing the allegations, Seethakka said she had come to check on the woman who had suffered severe facial injuries from the assault. The minister said a surgery was scheduled and some tests had to be conducted to determine if the woman had been raped.
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Later while speaking to reporters, Seethakka said that the guilty will be punished. She also appealed for peace to the people of Jainoor.
“The investigations will be transparent. There is no chance of any compromise. The accused has been arrested and if found guilty he will be punished. Many are giving conflicting statements regarding the incident creating a sense of fear and communal unrest. I appeal to the people of Jainoor to maintain peace,” she told reporters.
Seethakka also gave a cheque of Rs 1 lakh to the tribal woman as financial relief.