Hyderabad: Talabkatta residents lose sleep over water woes

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Amjedullah Khan, spokesperson of Majlis Bachao Tehreek (MBT) has demanded that the HMWS&SB officials visit the Siddiqnagar and Khannagar localities in Talabkatta of Yakutpura locality and see how people suffer in absence of regular water supply.

He said the local people are complaining that the HMWS&SB is supplying water in the dead of the night at 2 am. “The water supplied is polluted and at 2 am the local people are forced to fetch the water. Can this be considered a human approach of the HMWSSB,” Amjedullah Khan questioned the HMWS&SB officials.

A local resident complained of falling ill after drinking the polluted water and it was causing a lot of problems for families, he said. “The authorities should supply the water during day time so as to avoid inconvenience to local people. How can the officials expect people to stay awake at 2 am and fetch water,” said Abrar, a local resident.

The local residents said they had been complaining for more than a year were going through ‘the torture’ at the hands of the HMWS&SB officials, and demanded the officials visit and look into their problems.

The residents said officials are aware of the problems faced by them and still not keen to resolve it for reasons best known to them.

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