JNTUH semester exam duration increased

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Conceding demand for relief, the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) Hyderabad has increased semester exam duration by one hour.

The students can write their exams in three hours’ time instead of two hours. However, the University has not changed the pattern of the question papers. The students must attempt five out of eight questions. There would not be any compulsory section in the question paper.

In 2019-20, this pattern of question paper was adopted due to the Corona pandemic.

The relief of an extra hour for the exam will be applicable to odd semester exams of B.Tech and B.Pharma beginning from March 8, 2021.

The Registrar JNTU Prof Manzur Hussain said that in view of the representation from the students about the insufficiency of exam duration, we have increased the time from two to three hours.

“There would not be any change in the marks and questions paper. The students will be allotted exam centers near their native towns. In keeping with the state government’s directive, the University will not bar any student in the academic year 2020-21 on account of attendance,” said Prof Hussain.

“JNTU Examination Branch has made an announcement regarding one-time chance exams (Special Supplementary) including internal marks improvement exam. There is scope for all the undergraduate and post-graduate students to get benefit from this announcement,” said Registrar JNTU.

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