Only 10 days remaining to apply for Aasara Pension

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: All those who have completed 57 years of age in Telangana are entitled to get the Aasara Pension offered by the Government of Telangana. The last date for submitting the application through the Me-Seva and e-Seva is August 31.

There is a need to create awareness among Muslims about the pension scheme. All the political parties must get over their political differences to help the people in getting the pension. It is also the duty of the social and welfare organizations to render their cooperation in this regard.

All the Me-Seva and e-Seva centers in the city are empty while there are hardly 10 days remaining for applying for the pension scheme. The state government will provide Aasara Pension to all those who have completed 57 of age.

The age mentioned in the 10th Memo or Voter card will be sufficient as age proof. All those who have white ration cards will be entitled to apply for the pension.

The annual income of the beneficiaries must be less than 1.5 lakh in rural areas and Rs.2 lakhs in urban areas.

The majority of the Muslims in the state are poor but due to lack of awareness or proper guidance, they could not take advantage of the government schemes.

The Muslims are also known for their last-minute response. Since there are 10 days remaining to apply for the pension scheme, it is necessary to apply immediately to save the rush.

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