Open educational institutions in Phases: TPACRS

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: A parents body in Telangana has launched an online petition against the opening of schools and requested the state government to withdraw its decision.

The parents warned that if the government does not withdraw its order they shall not send their children to schools.

The Telangana Parents Association for Child Rights and Safety (TPACRS) requested the state government to open the educational institutions in phases from September 1. The state government had already issued its order for opening the schools.

The TPACRS officials said that the Corona crisis is not over and there are reports of children getting infected in states like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Kerala. Instead of reviewing the situation the government is adopting a policy of ignoring the crisis.

Syed Asif Hussain Sohail, an official of the TPACRS, said that, “Most of the parents and guardians are not in favour of sending their wards to schools. Moreover, Corona vaccination is mandatory for travel for Government employees. In such a situation how can they send their children to schools.”

Sohail said that the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has reviewed the schools sanitization online and the officials have not met in a place. Then how can the Department of Education and Government of Telangana are planning to let thousands of children collect in schools.

The online petition launched by the TPACRS had the support of more than 1500 parents and guardians within few hours.

The petition requested the state government to withdraw the condition of personal attendance which should be introduced in phases and continue the online education as of now.

In addition to representation by the parents body, a PIL has been submitted in Telangana high Court against the opening of schools which is likely to be heard during the current week.

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