Raids conducted at mandi, multicuisine restaurants in Hyderabad

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: A task force from the Food Safety Department of Telangana conducted a raid on mandi and multicuisine restaurants in Hyderabad.

During the raid, several violations were found.

Violations at mandi, multicuisine restaurants in Hyderabad

At Golden Pears, the Multicuisine Restaurant located in Aramgarh, the food safety team found houseflies inside the kitchen premises. Raw mutton pieces were observed spilling inside the restaurant.

Pest control records and medical fitness certificates for food handlers were not available with the FBO (Food Business Operator).

Some of the food handlers were found without haircaps and aprons.

During the raid at Dar Al Mandi, one of the mandi restaurants in Hyderabad, the team found the kitchen premises to be highly unhygienic, with patchy flooring and stagnant drain water.

Additionally, the kitchen premises were found open to the outside environment without any insect-proof screens, and the doors were not properly fitted to prevent the entry of pests.

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Inspections at schools, hostels in Telangana

In addition to the raids on mandi, multicuisine and other restaurants in Hyderabad, recent inspections were also conducted at various schools and hostels across the state.

During these inspections, the administration and kitchen staff were educated about proper protocols and best practices for food preparation.

Over the past few months, the task force has been conducting raids at various mandi and multicuisine restaurants, PGs, and hostels to ensure that food quality standards are upheld.

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