Siasat, Millat Fund to organize Du-ba-Du tomorrow

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Siasat and Millat Fund are going to organize Du-ba-Du matrimonial alliances program on Sunday, December 31, from 10 am to 4 pm at Kashish Garden, DRDL Road Chandrayangutta.

Parents are requested to bring extra copies of bio-data and pictures of their daughters or sons.

It is mandatory for the participants to use sanitisers and wear masks at the venue of the program.

The program can be watched on Facebook, Skype, YouTube channels and Siasat TV.

For further details, contact the program coordinator Syed Khalid Mohiuddin Asad at his cell phone number 9391160364.

Siasat Matri

Apart from attending Du-ba-Du, persons who are seeking matrimonial alliances can also register on Siasat Matri website (click here for registration) that has profiles of engineers, doctors, lawyers, NRIs and others.

YouTube video
YouTube video

Siasat Matri has also started video series to showcase matrimony profiles. The episodes will be made available on every first and third Sundays of every month at 3 p.m. In order to get regular notifications on all future releases of the Muslim Matrimony Video series, subscribe to Siasat Matri YouTube Channel (click here).

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