Telangana ACB takes HMDA ex-director into custody in graft case

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Former director of HMDA Sivabalakrishna was taken into custody by ACB officials at Central Prison Chanchalguda on the fourth day of his arrest in disproportionate assets case.

The officials are investigating Shiva Balakrishna’s ‘benami’ accounts and bank lockers. An inquiry was conducted to find out who helped Balakrishna during his tenure as RERA secretary and as Director HMDA. It is reported that the ACB officials are getting details from Balakrishna about how he amassed huge assets that were unearthed assets.

Shiva Balakrishna, who was arrested in the case of assets beyond known sources of income, was remanded in judicial remand for 14 days by the ACB court on Thursday, February 31, after his arrest. Also, the Nampally court allowed the ACB to be in custody for eight days from February 1. ACB officials have questioned Shiva balakrishna for three days now. Officials have found hundreds of documents and were seized during the three-day custody. Officials opened three bank lockers belonging to Balakrishna on Friday. ACB seized a large amount of gold jewelery from three lockers.

ACB found that Balakrishna converted all his illegal earnings in the form of gold and lands. The ACB officials on Friday took Balakrishna to the RERA office where he was working. They broke Balakrishna’s cupboard there and seized a lot of property documents. Balakrishna got the land purchased in the names of his family members and also registered in the names of benami. Land passbooks with names of benami were found and seized. ACB officials also sent notices to benami.

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