Telangana High Court to resume physical hearing from Monday

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: The Telangana High Court on Thursday (18th February) decided to resume physical hearing in the High Court, w.e.f. Monday (22nd February 2021), however, virtual hearing of cases would continue on a rotation basis.

The decision has been taken keeping in view of the present situation of considerable decline in Corona cases, latest guidelines of Government of India and the State Government relaxing the COVID-19 restrictions and after due deliberations with all the stakeholders including the High Court Advocates Association.

The SOP issued in this regard states, inter alia, that no one with the symptoms of cough, fever, running nose and people with less immunity and people without wearing masks, be allowed to enter into the High Court premises.

Also, the Advocates have been informed that wearing of Advocate Gowns while appearing physically in the Courts is dispensed with for the time being. However, they shall wear Coat and Bands.

Further, all the Subordinate Courts in the State of Telangana, except the Courts in

The Hyderabad Judicial District (Units of City Civil Court, Metropolitan Sessions Courts, CBJ Courts, City Small Causes Courts and Tribunals), and

The Courts in Ranga Reddy Headquarters at L.B.Nagar and the Courts at Malkajgiri and Kukatpally,
shall start regular functioning w.e.f. 22nd February 2021, as per the practice and procedure prior to COVID-19 Pandemic.

The High Court has also directed the Prl. District and Sessions Judges of the concerned Judicial Districts to ensure that all the latest guidelines/instructions regarding COVID-19 issued by the Central/State Governments and High Court from time to time, including maintaining physical distance, use of masks, sanitizers etc. shall be adhered to in letter and spirit.

The Courts in Hyderabad Judicial District namely City Civil Courts, Metropolitan Sessions Courts, CBI Courts, City Small Causes Courts and Tribunals shall start working w.e.f. 01st March 2021.

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