Hyderabad: Provocative messages and hateful content is being rampantly shared on WhatsApp and other social media platforms, which is resulting in false propaganda and adversely affecting the efficiency of the Police department, Telangana home minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali said on Tuesday, August 22.
He was speaking during a high-level meeting with top police officials of Hyderabad, Rachakonda, and Cyberabad Commissionerate at the secretariat.
The home minister said that Telangana police was doing efficient work and reducing crime as well as introducing and implementing many innovative citizen-centric schemes and reforms. “The efforts of Telangana police in controlling crime has brought a good repute to the state in the entire country,” he said.
The minister also directed the DGP to keep a close vigil on the activities of rowdy-sheeters round the clock and keep surveillance on activities of anti-social elements at isolated places.
He also directed senior police officers to ensure that function halls, hotels, gyms, pan shops, particularly in Old City area, are closed down as per the notified timings.
Expressing concern over the spread of false information, he appealed to people, especially in the Old City, to stay cautious. “The misinformation spread by anti-social elements and groups has become a nuisance,” he said.
Principal secretary of home department Jithender, DGP Anjani Kumar, CP Hyderabad CV Anand, additional DG (CID) Mahesh Bhagwat, CP Rachakonda DS Chouhan, CP Cyberabad Stephen Ravindra participated in the meeting.