Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has instructed Animal Husbandry Minister T Srinivas Yadav and the officials concerned to resume the first phase of sheep distribution programme, which was stopped due to pandemic and complete it immediately, informed Chief Minister Office here on Saturday.
The programme was launched in the state to distribute sheep on 75 per cent subsidy to the beneficiaries among the Golla Kuruma community and the first phase of the programme was stopped during the last stage due to the Corona pandemic. About 30,000 beneficiaries have already submitted the DDs.
As per the release issued by CMO, “The CM instructed Animal Husbandry Minister T Srinivas Yadav and the officials concerned to immediately start the distribution of the sheep under the programme. The CM also decided to start the second phase of the programme from the coming financial year. The CM also announced that funds for the programme would be allocated in the State Budget to be introduced in March.”