Telangana tops list of Indian states based on liquor spending

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Telangana tops the list of Indian states based on liquor spending, with the highest average annual per capita consumption expenditure on alcoholic beverages.

Andhra Pradesh ranks second on the list.

Average per capita consumption expenditure on alcoholic beverages

The average per capita consumption expenditure on alcoholic beverages in a state is calculated by dividing the state’s total liquor expenditure by its population.

According to a working paper titled “Revenue Mobilisation from Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages,” published by the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi, in Telangana, this figure is Rs 1,623, whereas in Andhra Pradesh, it is Rs 1,306.

Following is the state-wise average per capita consumption expenditure on alcoholic beverages

State Average per capita consumption expenditure on alcoholic beverages (in Rs)
Andhra Pradesh 1306
Assam 198
Chhattisgarh 1227
Goa 445
Haryana 812
Jharkhand 624
Karnataka 374
Kerala 379
Madhya Pradesh 197
Maharashtra 346
Odisha 1156
Punjab 1245
Rajasthan 140
Tamil Nadu 841
Telangana 1623
Tripura 148
Uttar Pradesh 49
West Bengal 4
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Telangana tops list of Indian states by excise collection per capita

Telangana also leads in excise collection per capita, with an annual figure of Rs 4,860.

Karnataka ranks second, with an annual per capita excise collection of Rs 4,432.

Following is state-wise list of excise collection per capita per year.

State Average per capita consumption expenditure on alcoholic beverages (in Rs)
Andhra Pradesh 2788
Assam 701
Chhattisgarh 2246
Goa Population data not available
Haryana 3219
Jharkhand 524
Karnataka 4432
Kerala Population data not available
Madhya Pradesh 1501
Maharashtra Population data not available
Odisha 1398
Punjab 2584
Rajasthan 1646
Tamil Nadu 1357
Telangana 4860
Tripura 891
Uttar Pradesh 1753
West Bengal 1645

From the data, it is evident that Telangana’s expenditure on alcoholic beverages has seen a steep rise from Rs 745 in the 2014-15 fiscal year to Rs 1,623 in 2022-23. Notably, this trend did not decline during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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