Hyderabad: The Shadnagar Dalit woman police torture case took a new twist on Monday, August 5, after the family of the person who complained of theft of gold and cash held a protest near their house.
The family questioned former minister Sabita Indra Reddy, and BRS leader R S Praveen Kumar, former MLA Anjaiah Yadav and others over extending support to the family of Sunitha, who accused police of subjecting her to third-degree torture.
“We are also Dalits. The property that was stolen was gathered by us for our marriage. If the marriage does not take place due to the unavailability of the gold, we will commit suicide,” said Nagender the man who complained about the theft of gold and cash.
Hyderabad: 5 cops suspended for torturing Dalit woman in custody
He further alleged that Bheemaiah, the husband of Sunitha is a rowdy sheeter of Shadnagar police station. “All people know how many cases are booked against Bheemaiah in Shadnagar. Public representatives should know the facts before extending support to anyone,” Nagender said.
The family charged that the leaders are politicizing the issue by shifting Sunitha, from the village to the hospital.
The family members including Nagender, his wife Neelaveni and sister Renuka held a press conference at the village and said that the gold was purchased through hard-earned money for the marriage of Renuka.
“On July 24 they said that the children had gone to school and they all went out for their jobs. When the children came, they saw that the doors of the house were open and a jewellery box was kept outside the house,” said Nagender.
A complaint was filed in the Shadnagar police station and detective inspector Ram Reddy took up their case.
The family said it was wrong on the part of the SC Commission to only respond to Sunita’s case and go away. “Why did the SC Commission not pay attention to our sufferings? We are also Dalits. A comprehensive inquiry is ordered, the facts will come to light,” they said.