Hyderabad: The anticipation for Ram Charan’s upcoming movie Game Changer has reached fever pitch after its teaser became an instant hit. Following a pre-release event in Dallas, the buzz around the movie has only grown stronger. Directed by Shankar and set to release on January 10, 2025, Game Changer promises to be a grand spectacle, with a whopping Rs. 75 crore spent on its songs alone.
One of the most talked-about tracks, Jaragandi, was filmed over 13 days on a specially constructed 70-foot hill-village set. Choreographed by Prabhu Dheva as a gesture of gratitude to director Shankar, the song features 600 dancers in costumes made from eco-friendly jute. This innovative approach highlights the film’s commitment to sustainability.
Ra Macha Macha
Ra Macha Macha, choreographed by Ganesh Acharya, is an energetic introduction song for Ram Charan. This track is a vibrant tribute to India’s cultural heritage, featuring over 1000 folk dancers performing traditional dances from regions like Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Karnataka, and Jharkhand. The song beautifully celebrates India’s diversity and folklore.
Filmed in the scenic landscapes of New Zealand, NaaNaaHyraanaa blends western and Carnatic music to create a mesmerizing melody. Shot using infrared cameras, the song offers a surreal visual experience. Featuring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, it is being hailed as the “melody of the year” for its innovative sound and dreamy visuals.
Dhop is a high-energy techno dance track shot during the pandemic with 100 Russian dancers. Lavish sets and futuristic visuals make this song a standout. The catchy lyrics and choreography by Manish Malhotra ensure it leaves a lasting impression.
A Grand Release Awaits
With its stunning visuals, grand sets, and vibrant music, Game Changer is set for a massive release in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi as a Sankranti festival special. Fans are eagerly awaiting this cinematic treat that promises to set new benchmarks for Indian cinema.