Mumbai: Actor Anushka Sharma, on Friday, gave a glimpse of her new haircut.
Taking to Instagram, Anushka, who is currently in London, posted a string of pictures of her flaunting her chopped hair. And it’s actor Sonam Kapoor Ahuja who recommended Anushka a salon from where she can get her haircut done.
Along with the pictures, Anushka also expressed her happiness on getting a new look ‘post baby hair fall’.
“When post baby hair fall makes you appreciate a good haircut even more,” she captioned the post.
Fans are in complete awe of Anushka’s short hair.
“You look so hot,” a user commented.
“Adorable. This look suits you,” another one wrote.
Anushka and her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli welcomed their first child, a baby daughter Vamika in January this year. They all came to London for the recently held finals of the World Test Championship.