Mumbai: As Bigg Boss 18 nears its highly anticipated finale, the tension inside the house is reaching fever pitch. Last week, Kashish Kapoor’s eviction paved the way for the season’s top 9 contestants, including Avinash Mishra, Chahat Pandey, Chum Darang, Eisha Singh, Karanveer Mehra, Rajat Dalal, Shilpa Shirodkar, Shrutika Arjun, and Vivian Dsena.
Now, all eyes are on the next elimination, as one or two contestants are expected to exit the show, moving the rest closer to the finale.
Bigg Boss 18 Nominated Contestants
An interesting nominations special task took place in the house. Three groups were formed:
- Vivian Dsena’s group — Vivian, Eisha and Avinash
- Karanveer Mehra’s group — Karanveer, Shilpa and Chum
- Rajat Dalal’s group — Rajat, Shrutika and Chahat
However, Rajat’s group, which included Chahat Pandey, Shrutika Arjun, and Rajat Dalal himself, faced disqualification from BiggBoss. This setback landed all three members in the danger zone, making them the nominated contestants for this week’s elimination.
Shrutika Arjun Likely to Exit
Speculation is rife about who will leave the house this week. Many believe that either Chahat Pandey or Shrutika Arjun could be shown the exit door. However, recent developments in the show hint that Shrutika may be the most likely candidate for elimination.
The show’s makers have introduced a new love angle involving Chahat Pandey, which has garnered significant attention and seems to align with the narrative for upcoming episodes.
With the grand finale just around the corner, every moment in the house counts. Fans are eagerly awaiting the weekend episode to see who will leave the house and who will inch closer to the coveted trophy.
Stay tuned to for more interesting scoops and updates on Bigg Boss 18.