New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Thursday dismissed the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s father’s petition against the proposed movies being made about the actor’s life.
Sushant’s father had filed the plea restraining anyone from using his son’s name or likeness. A bench of Justice Sanjeev Narula dismissed Sushant’s father’s plea seeking an injunction against movies being made on his life.
Court also refuses to stay release of film ‘Nyay: The Justice’, purportedly based on the life of late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
Krishan Kishore Singh, the actor’s father, recently approached the High Court on the basis of news articles and publications regarding movies and other ventures depicting his personal life, name/images/caricature/lifestyle/likeness in the form of a biopic or story, the plea stated.
Senior Advocate Vikas Singh appeared for Krishan Kishore Singh stated that any such publication, production, or depiction of the private life of the late actor is a blatant and willful breach of the right to a fair trial guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India, personality rights and the common law tort of passing off in misappropriating well-known personality without consent for commercial gains.
The petition had stated that the plaintiff (SSR’s Father) and his deceased have the right of privacy or a right to be alone under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. They have the right to safeguard their privacy, their families’ privacy and deceased persons in the family. None can publish anything whether truthful or otherwise or whether laudatory or critical about the life of Sushant Singh Rajput without the consent of Plaintiff.
The petition also seeks order and decree of permanent injunction restraining the Defendants by themselves, their directors, principal officers, successors-in-business, assigns, servants, agents, distributors, advertiser or anyone other than the Defendants from using plaintiff son’s name/caricature /lifestyle or likeness in their forthcoming project/ films in any manner whatsoever amounting to infiltration of personality rights by such unauthorized use.