Mumbai: Well-known Indian rapper MC Kode aka Aditya Tiwari has gone missing from New Delhi on Wednesday, reports said. According to many on Instagram, who follow the rapper’s private account, Kode had posted a message in which he had threatened to end his life. Screenshot of his Instagram story has went viral on internet.
In a long note, Mc Kode expressed how he has been facing constant suffering, trials and tribulations of life have made him weak. Kode said that he was standing at an isolated bridge near the Yamuna river where he could see the waves ‘answering his distress call’ while giving him ‘much-needed perspective’.
MC Kode’s Hinduphobic video controversy
Kode landed controverial soup after his old rap battle video in which he abused Hinduism went viral on social media last month. However, he later issued an apology on his Instagram account. In a short clip of a rap battle video, which was released on YouTube on 12 June 2016, MC Kode was seen using obscene language against Hinduism in it.
In his Instagram message, the rapper had informed about receiving threats by local goons. He also urged others not to bother people associated with him and added that he did not blame anyone for anything but himself.
Viral dead body image of the rapper is fake
The news of the rapper going missing has gone viral Twitter today and Many are already trying to trace him. Some Twitter users were indulging in spreading misinformation on social media claiming that the rapper has already ended his life.
One Twitter user on Thursday posted an image of a dead person to claim that the deceased individual was MC Kode. The Twitter user claimed that body of the rapper which was recovered near Pragati Thermal Power station near Yamuna Bank in Delhi. Check out the tweet below:
According to social media users, the image which is spreading like a wildfire across the country is fake news as it is connected to a boat tragedy that occurred near Bangladesh in 2017.
However, the official confirmation of MC Kode going missing or any other mishap like suicide is still awaited.
Aditya Tiwari aka MC Kode is a rap artist based out of New Delhi. For years, he has been hosting, participating, and judging rap battles across many states, including Mumbai, Gujarat, Guwahati, Jaipur, Uttar Pradesh & Haryana.