Mumbai: Standup comedian and Bigg Boss 17 winner Munawar Faruqui’s fans have been going gaga over the news about his second wedding. Although there has been no official announcement from Munawar or his team, several major media outlets have confirmed that he married Mehzabeen Coatwala, a Mumbai-based makeup artist, in a private Nikah ceremony.
Fans are now very eager to see Munawar Faruqui’s bride and glimpses of their wedding ceremony.
Photos of Munawar Faruqui’s second wife Mehzabeen Coatwala
Now, we have the first look of Mehzabeen as Munawar’s bride, showcasing her makeup and mehndi. Check out the video below.
Munawar Faruqui, Mehzabeen Coatwala Wedding
Munawar and Mehzabeen got married in a very private wedding on May 26 at ITC Maratha, Mumbai. They met professionally a few months ago and developed a liking for each other, leading them to decide to settle down.
Hina Khan is believed to have attended Munawar’s big day, as she posted a selfie on Sunday, dressed as a wedding guest. She used the song “Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai” in the background of her post.
Who Is Mehzabeen Coatwala?
Mehzabeen Coatwala is a celebrity makeup artist who has worked closely with many celebrities. She is a divorcee and has a ten-year-old daughter. She has 15K followers on Instagram and has worked with stars like Madhavan, Varun Dhawan, Dhanashree Verma and more.