Mumbai: After a five-year break, Paatal Lok Season 2 is finally here on Amazon Prime Video, and it’s already creating a buzz. The intense crime drama brings back Jaideep Ahlawat as Inspector Hathiram Chaudhary, who takes on a high-stakes murder case in the mysterious northeast region of India. He’s joined by his trusted partner Ansari (Ishwak Singh) as they face new challenges, personal struggles, and powerful enemies.
The show introduces new faces like Jahnu Barua, Tillotama Shome, and Nagesh Kukunoor, who add fresh energy to the gripping story. Their performances make the already thrilling series even more exciting.
Jaideep Ahlawat’s Big Pay Raise
Jaideep Ahlawat’s portrayal of Hathiram Chaudhary is the heart of the series. In Season 1, he earned Rs. 40 lakh, but for Season 2, he’s being paid Rs. 20 crore. This massive raise shows just how much his performance means to the show’s success.
Social media is flooded with praise for Jaideep. Fans say he’s worth every penny, calling him the “soul” of the series and appreciating his ability to carry the entire show on his shoulders.
What Makes Paatal Lok Special?
The series isn’t just about solving crimes; it dives deep into the flaws of society and the systems that keep it running. Hathiram’s fight isn’t just against criminals—it’s against corruption and injustice.