Mumbai: Munawar Faruqui, the winner of Bigg Boss 17, made his first public appearance on Friday evening after getting married to Mehzabeen Coatwala. In a video shared by Viral Bhayani, Munawar is seen smiling and blushing as photographers congratulated him on his recent wedding. “Thank you,” he responded to their well-wishes for his “new life.”
In the clip that is going viral, the comedian can also be seen showing off his wedding ring.
This was the first time Munawar confirmed his marriage to Mehzabeen. The couple got nikafied on May 26, 2024, in a private ceremony that was attended only by their family members. The wedding ceremony took at ITC Maratha in Mumbai.
Although Munawar and Mehzabeen have not publicly confirmed their marriage, Mehzabeen has shown her support for Munawar’s work on Instagram. She recently shared a picture of Munawar from one of his standup comedy shows with the caption, “proud of you.”
Mehzabeen’s FIRST Instagram post for husband Munawar Faruqui
Last week, the first photos of the couple surfaced online, showing them cutting a cake together.
Before marrying Mehzabeen, Munawar Faruqui was married to Jasmine, with whom he has a six-year-old son named Mikael. Mehzabeen is also a divorcee and has a 10-year-old daughter named Samaira.