Mumbai: Recently married Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal have been at the center of swirling rumors following their visit to a hospital in Mumbai. The couple, who opted for a civil marriage on June 23 amidst attention due to their inter-faith union, sparked speculation about expecting their first child shortly after tying the knot.
In a video shared by Instant Bollywood, Sonakshi and Zaheer were captured in their white Mercedes leaving Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai, although they avoided paparazzi attention. This footage fueled online chatter, with many netizens drawing comparisons to Alia Bhatt, who announced her pregnancy soon after her wedding to Ranbir Kapoor.
Neither Sona nor Zaheer have reacted to this news yet.
Sonakshi and Zaheer exchanged vows at the actress’s home in Bandra, surrounded by their families and close friends, marking the culmination of a seven-year relationship.
Sonakshi Sinha’s comment on her interfaith marriage with Zaheer
Following their private wedding ceremony, eagle-eyed Reddit users unearthed an old Instagram photo from May 8, 2022, where Sonakshi was seen flaunting a substantial diamond ring on her finger. Initially dismissed as a promotional image for a jewelry brand, fans now speculate it was an announcement of their engagement two years ago, given that Sonakshi wore the same ring in her recent wedding photos.
As speculation continues to swirl around the couple, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal’s relationship and recent activities remain a topic of intense interest across social media platforms.