Mumbai: Popular television actress Nimrit Kaur is in talks to join the sequel to Kapil Sharma’s comedy “Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon 2.”
A source close to the development revealed that discussions are underway about Nimrit potentially joining the cast of “Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon 2.” According to reports, the actress’ name has emerged as a strong contender for a key role in the film.
An insider was quoted saying, “There have been discussions about Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia joining the cast of Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon 2. While nothing has been finalized yet, her name has certainly come up as a strong contender. Given her popularity and charm, she would be a great addition to the film’s ensemble cast.”
Directed by Anukalp Goswami, “Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon 2” is the sequel to the 2015 hit Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon, which marked Kapil Sharma’s debut in the Hindi film industry. The film also starred Sai Lokur, Jamie Lever, Arbaaz Khan, Manjari Fadnis, Simran Kaur Mundi, Elli Avram, Varun Sharma, Supriya Pathak, Sharat Saxena, and Manoj Joshi.
Kapil Sharma has already begun shooting for the upcoming film. Produced by Ratan Jain and Ganesh Jain under Venus Worldwide Entertainment, in association with Abbas-Mustan Film Production, the film also stars Manjot Singh. The team has planned a two-month shooting schedule, covering both Mumbai and international locations.
Nimrit, who was initially set to make her film debut with filmmaker Dibakar Banerjee’s “Love Sex Aur Dhokha 2” (LSD 2), had her debut film announced during Bigg Boss, but unfortunately, it never came to fruition.
Nimrit Kaur, who ventured into television with the popular show “Choti Sarrdaarni,” is also known for her participation in the reality shows “Bigg Boss 16” and “Khatron Ke Khiladi 14.”
Her role in “Choti Sarrdaarni” proved to be a major breakthrough in Nimrit’s career. Her portrayal of Meher Dhillon and Seher Gill made her a household name until the show ended in 2022.