Mumbai: Global icon star Priyanka Chopra Jonas arrived in Hyderabad on Thursday evening, leaving fans abuzz with speculation about her visit. The actor, who has been primarily working on international projects, was spotted at the Rajiv Gandhi International airport on last night. Dressed casually in a chic brown outfit and beige cap, she was accompanied by tight security and appeared to avoid the cameras.
Priyanka Chopra, SS Rajamouli’s movie on cards?
Buzz has it suggest Priyanka is in the city for a major announcement regarding acclaimed director SS Rajamouli’s upcoming film starring Mahesh Babu. If the rumors hold true, this would mark Priyanka’s return to Indian cinema after more than four years and her comeback to Telugu films after a staggering 23 years. She last appeared in Telugu cinema with the 2002 romantic drama Apuroopam, directed by P Ravi Shankar.
Priyanka’s last Indian project was the Netflix release The White Tiger (2021), while her last theatrical release in India was The Sky Is Pink (2016). Fans have been eagerly awaiting her return, and this potential collaboration with Rajamouli has only heightened excitement.
Priyanka was also said to star in Farhan Akhtar’s highly anticipated road film Jee Le Zaraa, alongside Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif, though there no updates on the project.