Hyderabad: Tollywood actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu, well-loved in the Indian film industry, took some time off work after being diagnosed with Myositis, an autoimmune disease. After a period of recovery, she’s now back and working with new energy. Her comeback project is the much-anticipated movie Rakht Brahmand, which also stars Aditya Roy Kapoor and Wamiqa Gabbi. The film is directed by Rahi Anil Barve and produced by Raj and DK, in partnership with Netflix.
The shooting for Rakht Brahmand began in August, and Samantha is set to perform some intense action scenes, showcasing her commitment to the role. She’s putting her all into this project.
Interestingly, Samantha seems to be shifting her focus away from Telugu films for now. Reports suggest that she’s getting many offers for pan-Indian movies, and she’s interested in exploring these opportunities.
Even though several Telugu filmmakers are eager to work with her, Samantha is currently more focused on Hindi and pan-Indian projects. This change in direction might be influenced by the success she had with The Family Man: Season 2, which helped her gain popularity beyond just the Southern film industry.
Samantha has also finished shooting for the series Citadel with Varun Dhawan, which will be released on Netflix in November. As she moves forward in her career, Samantha is aiming for a strong comeback with a broader appeal across India, positioning herself as a national star.