Sania Mirza jets off to Saudi Arabia to perform Haj

Hyderabad Desk

Hyderabad: Indian tennis icon Sania Mirza embarked on her first Haj pilgrimage along with her family on Sunday, June 9.

Taking to Instagram, Sania shared a heartfelt message that reads, “Dear friends and loved ones, I have been blessed with the incredible opportunity to embark on the sacred journey of Haj.”

“As I prepare for this transformative experience, I humbly ask for your forgiveness for any wrongdoings and shortcomings. My heart is filled with gratitude for this chance to seek redemption and spiritual renewal. I pray that Allah accepts my prayers and guides me on this blessed path.”

“I am deeply fortunate and feel immensely grateful. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I embark on this journey of a lifetime. I hope to come back as a better human being with a humble heart and stronger imaan.”

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Her sister and entrepreneur Anam Mirza too announced the Haj journey on Instagram. She wrote, “

“As I embark on the most significant journey of my life, the pilgrimage to Hajj, I wanted to share few words with you. This journey is not just a physical one, but a deeply spiritual experience that I’ve been preparing for, both in heart and mind. It’s a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal of faith.

Your support and prayers mean the world to me. I carry your love and good wishes with me as I seek forgiveness, peace, and a closer connection to Allah. I also humbly ask for forgiveness from anyone I have hurt, intentionally or unintentionally. It is my sincere hope that we can move forward with hearts unburdened. 

I hope to return with a heart more compassionate and a spirit more humble, ready to serve and love more deeply. Please keep me in your prayers during this sacred time, and I will keep you in mine. May we all be blessed with peace, happiness, and fulfillment.”

Sania Mirza’s mother Nasim Mirza shared a group photo.

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Haj 2024 commences on Friday, June 14, following the detection of the crescent Moon by astronomical observatories on Thursday evening, June 6.

The Haj pilgrimage to Makkah is a mandatory religious duty that must be performed by those Muslims who are physically and financially able to perform it at least once in a lifetime.

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