Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan, known as the “King of Bollywood,” is one of India’s biggest movie stars. In 2023, he delivered three back-to-back blockbusters, Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki, with two crossing Rs. 1,000 crores at the box office. His global popularity is unmatched, but his journey began humbly on Indian television.
Early Career on TV
Shah Rukh started his acting career in the late 1980s with TV serials. His first role was in Dil Dariya, but due to production delays, Fauji became his debut show. Dil Dariya, directed by Lekh Tandon, told the story of two friends from different religious communities in Punjab. Despite the delay, it showed a young Shah Rukh’s potential.
Viral Videos of SRK’s Early Days
Recently, a clip from Dil Dariya featuring Shah Rukh Khan has gone viral on social media. Fans are amazed by how far he has come. Some compared his younger self to his son Aryan Khan.
At the time, TV actors were often seen as less important than film stars. Breaking into Bollywood was tough, but Shah Rukh’s talent and determination helped him succeed. His journey inspired many other TV actors to aim for the big screen.
In the 1980s, Shah Rukh played simple, relatable roles on TV. Today, he’s a global superstar loved by millions. His hard work and persistence broke stereotypes about TV actors and showed that talent and effort can lead to success.
SRK’s Upcoming Projects
On the work front, Shah Rukh is busy filming King with his daughter Suhana. He also recently collaborated with his sons Aryan and AbRam for the Hindi version of Mufasa: The Lion King.