Mumbai: Bollywood actor-philanthropist Sonu Sood, who has been doing his best to help the needy amid pandemic, often uses his social media handles to make his followers smile a bit. On Wednesday, he dropped a fun video on Instagram wherein he can be seen selling bread, eggs and other food items on his bicycle.
In the video clip that is going crazy viral on social media, Sonu Sood can be seen introducing his new ‘supermarket’ where he is selling bread, eggs, pav and other essential grocery items. Calling his new venture, a ‘hit’ he is asking people to place their orders as soon as possible.
In the end of the video, the Simmba actor says that he has to rush for delivery and adds, “delivery ke extra charges hain boss (extra charges for delivery).”
“Free home delivery. 1 bread free with every 10 eggs ? ?#supermarket #supportsmallbusiness,” he captioned the video.
Watch the video below:
Sonu Sood is being hailed constantly for his helping hands and efforts amid the tough times. When the first COVID-19 lockdown forced migrant workers to return to their home states, the actor arranged transportation for the migrants. During the second wave of coronavirus, Sonu Sood’s foundation has arranged medical equipment, oxygen cylinders and hospital beds for people.
On the work front, Sonu will be next seen with Akshay Kumar in ‘Prithviraj. He also has a few Tollywood movies in his pipeline.