Hyderabad: Prabhas is on a roll, showing no signs of slowing down. With back-to-back projects lined up, he’s now working on ‘RajaSaab’ and has just started another exciting film. Directed by Hanu Raghavapudi, known for the hit “Sita Ramam,” this new project has been officially launched on Saturday with a traditional puja ceremony in Hyderabad. The production house, Mythri Movie Makers, made the announcement, confirming Prabhas’ participation in the event.
Interestingly, the debutant actress Iman Esmail is set to make her Tollywood debut with this film. Her appearance at the launch event has caught everyone’s attention, stealing the limelight. Fans are buzzing with excitement, speculating that Iman might be the perfect match for Prabhas on screen, possibly matching the iconic pairing he had with Anushka Shetty.
Photos and videos from the puja have already gone viral on social media. The film’s shooting is expected to begin in the third week of September. While the rest of the cast and crew details are still under wraps, it’s expected that more information will be revealed by the end of August.
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Rumor has it that this Prabhas-Hanu Raghavapudi collaboration will be a period-action love story. Set against the backdrop of the Razakar movement, the film is said to be a beautiful love drama. There are also rumors that the film might be titled “Fauji,” which means soldier, with Prabhas playing a role connected to the Indian paramilitary forces.